Tuesday 21 May 2013

How To Make a Natural Limescale Remover

Removing Limescale From Household Appliances...

In this day and age it is more important than ever to save money where you can. Making your own cleaning products is one area where you can simply and easily replace expensive brand name items with cheap and readily available household items. Limescale remover in particular is an easy product to make yourself at home and this article will show you how. These homemade limescale removers are not only environmentally friendly, they also perform just as well as commercial limescale removers at the fraction of the cost. Continue reading to find out exactly how to create your own homemade limescale remover.

How To Remove Limescale With a Home Made Limescale Remover

Almost everyone who has ever cleaned a kitchen or a bathroom will have encountered limescale to some extent. Limescale is the hard, white, chalk-like, deposit, which forms around the ends of taps and inside kettles, and whilst it is notoriously difficult to remove by scrubbing, it is possible to dissolve it using everyday household products. The problem with limescale is that, particularly in electrical appliances, the build up can inhibit their efficiency. This means that you spend more than is necessary on electricity and also reduce the life of the appliance, as it has to work harder to do its job.

How to remove limescale is a common question asked when it comes to solving limescale issues around the home, fortunately, limescale is soluble in acid, and it doesn't need to be any of those you only remember from the chemistry lab at school, simple vinegar or lemon juice will do the job just as well.

Many people are keen to know how to remove limescale from taps, or how to descale a kettle. This can be done easily with a homemade limescale remover. One thing you do require when you make your own limescale remover is patience. The acid needs to be in contact with the item for about an hour, so that the limescale will dissolve and you will be able to wipe it away. If you are cleaning a kettle this is easy. Simply add enough vinegar or lemon juice to the kettle to cover the limescale and leave the acid to work its magic. After an hour fill the rest of the kettle with water, boil and pour the liquid away. The inside of your kettle should look like new. It is advisable to rinse the kettle several times after completing this process so that the next time you make a cup of tea it doesn't taste like vinegar.

Taps can provide their own challenges when it comes to removing limescale. They too need to be soaked for about an hour in mild acid to remove the build up. The best way to do this is to soak a multipurpose cloth or dishcloth in vinegar and wrap this around the end of the tap. After an hour simply remove the cloth and rinse, and your taps will be bright and sparkling once more.

Another place prone to limescale build up is your washing machine, running a hot wash every three months with a cup full of white vinegar will clean your washing machine and keep it running as efficiently as possible. You can also add a cap full of vinegar to your dishwasher to keep that sparkling, adding vinegar to the dishwasher has the added benefit that if you run a load of glasses through with this wash they will come out gleaming.

A natural limescale remover is a fantastic alternative to a shop bought product; it is just as effective and much better for the environment. Great results all round.

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